Institutional Transformation Directorate (ITD)
Through education, research, and operations roles, higher education institutions (HEIs) create a societal impact that shows a strong potential to act as leverage point for sustainable development locally and globally. Higher education institutions are the most important productive forces of the current conditions of global knowledge, economy, and technological innovations.
In Jigjiga University, there has been impressive number of projects executed this year. This is critically important as an institution prioritizing student success and to create meaningful opportunities for horizontal collaboration and coordination among various colleges and other work units of the University. This has direct impacts on the quality of teaching, learning, research and community engagement activities.
Institutional Transformation Directorate (ITD) has also found that the single most important component in helping the institution to navigate often complex cultures is in getting the right people to the table when designing a change.
Currently Jigjiga University leaders are able to transform the University in order to deliver long-term competitive advantage, implement change initiatives and sustain them long enough to realize the benefits. Beside the efforts made by the top management and employees of the University, ITD has been working to encourage and mobilize the University community with the change initiatives.
By having a sound strategy and commitment, ITD proactively developed the internal capacity of the University’s community to implement change faster and more effectively.
In addition to the fact that the Directorate has been providing various trainings regarding to cooperative learning for the student’s developing skills in teamwork for positive-interdependence, 1 to 5 team formation for teachers and supportive staffs, kaizen philosophy, good governance as well as ways of service delivery for employees and management bodies have been implemented throughout the year.
There by, the Directorate has been able to bring tremendous changes in proper utilization of resources such as in library, cafeteria, stores, offices and others.
Furthermore, ITD and Quality Assurance Directorate collaboratively planned and implemented a pilot project on cooperative learning in students’ dormitories aimed at improving the quality of education in the University by making use of open access resources. In this regard too, positive changes have been seen.
The Directorate finally expresses congrats to the 2016/17 graduating students and their families.
The College also provided comprehensive health services by deploying 72 health professionals for 3 months duration to selected IDPs of highly drought affected zones of the Region namely, Jarar, Qorahay and Dollo to intervene drought related health problems including treatment of malnutrition, vaccine preventable disease and water borne outbreaks like AWD.